Sunday, October 7, 2007

News Release from AFSC [for Rebecca]

News Release

Meeting Is Third in a Series Seeking to the Use the Common Ground of Faith to Address Political Tensions

Mary Ellen McNish, AFSC General Secretary. listens as PresidentAhmadinejad respond to questions from religious leaders.

NEW YORK [SEPTEMBER 26] — More than 100 religious leaders today participated in an hour-long, interfaith encounter with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the Church Center for the UnitedNations. The gathering was organized by the Mennonite Central Committee and endorsed by the American Friends Service Committee, the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the Mennonite Church USA,the Mennonite Church Canada and the Church of the Brethren GeneralBoard. Other endorsers included Sojourners/Call to Renewal, PaxChristi USA, the World Council of Churches Commission of Churches onInternational Affairs, and the World Conference of Religions forPeace. The meeting also included Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians,Presbyterians and others.

This is the third in a series of conversations focused on establishing a dialogue between people of faith in the United States and the people and government of Iran. The discussions began with the Iranian President's visit to the U.N. in September of last year when 43 U.S.religious leaders met with him at his hotel. In February, 13 American religious leaders visited Iran where they met with a variety of governmental, academic and religious leaders.

This ongoing dialogue emerges out of the concerns of religious leadersin the United States that the escalating political and economicconfrontation between the U.S. and Iran could lead to war. They have called on the governments of Iran and the United States to establish direct, face-to-face diplomatic negotiations as one part of an effort to create a path to peace. Known as "peace churches" for their historic witness to nonviolence, Mennonites and Quakers have long been at the forefront of international movements for peace and reconciliation.

"You make peace with those with whom you disagree, not your allies,"said Mary Ellen McNish, general secretary of the American FriendsService Committee who traveled to Iran with the February delegation."Dialogue is not a reward or validation; it is a means to begin the process of reconciliation and pave the way for future constructive relationships."

Joe Volk, executive secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, added: "When other venues have been closed, leaders of faith communities serve by demonstrating that alternatives to heated rhetoric and political isolation exist and may prevent war."

After making his opening remarks, President Ahmadinejad responded to questions submitted by the invited guests. Following his comments,panelists from a number of groups including Catholic, Evangelical and Quaker organizations made brief responses. The gathering closed with comments by Ahmadinejad and Bert Lobe, interim executive director of Mennonite Central Committee, who moderated the gathering.

Lobe summarized the meeting saying, "We spoke out of our narratives,out of our traditions, and we acknowledged the particularity that is essential to dialogue with the other." He went on to say, "This conversation occurred in sacred space, the Interfaith Tillman Chapelat the United Nations; we believe that it is conversation like this, conversation emanating from religious space and out of our particular Christian tradition that carries the voice and call to dialogue.

"The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that conducts economic development, peace-building and social justiceprograms in 22 countries and 43 locations in the U.S. AFSC wasco-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the Society of Friends (Quakers) for work to alleviate the suffering of war.

The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice,peace and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.

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