Friday, November 28, 2008


If our foreign policy based on "FIGHTING" al qaeda we are destined to fight forever.
Our foreign policy needs CHANGE, not the same old tired cliches.
It is time to examine the root causes of terror, look at the festering sores around the world that make it so easy to recruit terrorists for the agendas of the extreme few.
Pakistan and India must resolve their issues, Israel and Palestine must resolve their issues, the Shiites and Sunnis must come to a modus vivendi, the Philippine government must work out a proper settlement with their Moslem population, the governments of Somalia, Uganda, The Congo must be helped to resolve their conflicts and stop genocies.
The United States needs to take a leadership position for peace, not constant war.
All the bombs and guns in the world will never stop terror. More troops in Afghanistan will only inflame the situation unless they are there to bring stability not bomb more civilians, not endlessly hunt in the caves of the Khyber Pass for bin Ladin. We are wasting time and resources and inflaming more terror.
Our current policies have been al Qaeda's best recruiting tools.

It is time for the US to seek creative and intelligent ways to resolve these festering human tragedies.
It is time for a new approach.

1 comment:

Raechel said...

Amen. Now what do we do to make this happen? There are powerful interests selling "war" to the public because there's money to be made there. How do we unsell it?